Terms of Service

Services Description

Sh’ma Support Services is a practice that provide mental and behavioral health services. We endeavor to set a standard of conscientious, professional, quality, compassionate, and multicultural competent care. We offer individual, couple, family and group counseling services to adults, seniors, children, adolescents and families. 

Therapeutic Process

Psychotherapy, also known as “talk therapy,” is when a person speaks with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential environment to explore and understand feelings and behaviors and gain coping skills. You have taken a very positive step by deciding to seek therapy. The outcome of your treatment depends largely on your willingness to engage in this process. Remembering events and becoming aware of feelings attached to those events can bring on strong and unpleasant feelings such as anger, sadness, worry, fear or experiencing anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. Sometimes a decision that is positive for one family member is viewed quite negatively by another family member. Change will sometimes be easy and swift, but more often it will be slow and even frustrating. We cannot promise that your behavior or circumstance will change. We can promise to listen, support you and guide you through the process. The client can request a complimentary 15-minute telephone consultation through the client portal prior to scheduling an intake appointment. 

The length of therapy will be agreed upon between the mental health provider and the client based upon the following 1) initial assessment, and 2) based upon the individual needs of each client. There may be limitations dictated by third party payment. The duration of an intake session involving a comprehensive evaluation may range from one (1) hour to one and half (1 ½) hours. A comprehensive treatment plan will be developed with you following the initial assessment and will be referenced and adjusted throughout your therapeutic treatment. 

Late Policy: The client is expected to arrive to their appointment on time and no time adjustment will be made for late arrivals. If the client arrive late to the appointment, there will not be any additional time added to the scheduled appointment. If the client is late 5 minutes or more for a 30-minute session, and 10 minutes or more for a 45 and 60-minute session, it will be necessary for the client to reschedule.

Late/Cancellations: When you schedule an appointment, you are reserving this time and we will not offer this time to another client. To cancel or change appointment, the client must call 24 hours before the time of the appointment. This gives us the opportunity to fill the available appointment time. Any appointment cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will be subject to a late cancellation fee of $75.00 or no more than provider contracted rate with insurane, unless such cancellation fees are null and void based on your managed care program’s regulations or such cancellation was deemed medically necessary or emergency-based. This cancellation fee will not apply to Medicaid Fee-for-Service and some managed care clients. If the client reschedule the missed or late cancelled appointment, the waiver of the $75.00 late fee will be up to the discretion of the therapist.

If the client has two (2) no-call, no show (missed) appointments throughout the course of their treatment, the client will be notified by letter to the e-mail via client portal and to the mailing address on file of the attendance policy. Client may be limited to same day scheduling which means there may not be an opportunity to schedule advance appointments. If the client has three (3) no-call, no show (missed) appointments throughout the course of their treatment, the therapist will have a discussion as to the client decision to participate in services, client may be at risk of being put on a 90-day probationary period, and/or there may be consideration of termination and a referral to another provider outside of the practice.

Termination and Discharge: Termination discussion as it relates to preparing for discharge after achieving desired goals will be initiated at the time of client admission to our practice. This will be referred to periodically throughout treatment. 

Premature Termination- Client may be discharged after three (3) missed scheduled appointments. If the client does not engage in any treatment, services or contact our office to arrange any further treatment for over 30-45 days, the therapeutic relationship between the client and Sh’ma Support Services, LLC will be terminated. The client may contact us to discuss continuation of services any time after the 30-45 days for a new assessment. Acceptance for admission is not guaranteed. 

Self-Payment and Charges: The fee for self-pay, also known as “cash pay”, counseling services is as follows: 

$200.00 for an Initial assessment

$215.00 for a 90-minute individual session

$155.00 for a 60-minute individual session

$135.00 for a 45-to-50-minute individual session

$95.00 for a 30-minute individual session

$285.00 for a 90-minute couple session

$185.00 for a 60-minute family session

$50.00 for each group (cash pay)

$30.00 for each court mandate class (cash pay only)

Payment is due when the client comes in for the appointment and/or prior to start of teletherapy appointment. There will be no bartering of services and gratuity gifts will not be accepted. Payments may be made by cash, credit card, Zelle or HSA. Any returned checks are subject to an additional fee of up to $35.00 to cover the bank’s returned check fee. *VIP Packages may be available.

Responsibility for Payment: The client (or parent/guardian) is responsible for all counseling charges unless otherwise stipulated by the client’s managed care program. The client has the right to dispute fees charged for services rendered. Any outstanding unpaid accounts will become delinquent after 60 days and then be submitted to an attorney or collection agency. If the client has outstanding balance, counseling services may be subject to termination. All fees charged in order to recover delinquent fees will be billed to the client or person responsible for payments. If any problems arise during the course of therapy regarding the ability to pay the established fees, the client is encouraged to discuss with the therapist and/or clinical director. A referral for continuation of therapy will be provided, if necessary. 

Insurance Reimbursement: The client is expected to pay their co-payment/deductible at the time the service is being rendered- at the beginning of their appointment. Therapy services are often limited with most insurance plans. If deemed necessary, the Therapist will seek approval for additional sessions prior to the last approved session. If request is denied, client have the option to pay out of pocket for services (cash pay). If the insurance plan does not allow the Therapist to provide services to you once your benefits end, the Therapist will attempt to refer to another provider to continue mental/behavioral health services. If we do not accept your insurance, we can provide a receipt (superbill) which the client can submit to their insurance for reimbursement. The client should contact their insurance and ask if their plan permits services from out-of-network providers. It is the client’s responsibility to verify the specifics of their health coverage. Some insurance companies may reimburse 55-90 percent of the cost.

Sliding Fee Scale: In an effort to provide psychotherapy during economic hardship, Sh’ma Support Services, LLC reserves the right to offer a flat reduced rate to existing clients who qualify. *We reserve the right to discontinue the sliding scale program without notice.

Scholarship Program: In an effort to give back to our community, Sh’ma Support Services, LLC will provide a one-time 8-week award of psychotherapy to an uninsured individual who is in significant hardship or other extenuating circumstance approved by the clinical director. The scholarship will be awarded twice a year, every six months to one individual each period. Verification of hardship may be required. The client must submit a one-page essay identifying what has inspired them to seek therapy, how therapy will benefit them, and how they are motivated in their own emotional, physical and/or spiritual wellness. Once the therapy services have been received, the client will not be eligible for any additional scholarships with Krystal Brass, LCSW/Sh’ma Support Services, LLC or its affiliated colleagues. The client can have no more than 2 missed sessions. Any missed sessions will not be rescheduled unless missed sessions are initiated by the therapist. The client must be a willing participate and comply with components of treatment to include but not limited to homework. The scholarship is contingent upon financial hardship, and the agreement will become null and void should the client/ parent/ guardian’s financial status improve. *We reserve the right to discontinue the scholarship program without notice