Introducing a conscientious mental health practice.

“We hear You”

Quality and personalized mental healthcare in-person or from the comfort of your home.


“And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].” Romans 12:2 AMP

Our Vision

We strive to be a leading source of hope and healing, blending dignity and respect with evidence-based, compassionate care. Our vision is to set the standard in mental health services by combining multicultural competence with innovative care, aligned with the transformative promise of Romans 12:2, to renew minds and uplift diverse communities in obtaining God’s purpose for their lives.

Our Mission

We’re dedicated to offering compassionate, culturally competent mental health care to individuals of all backgrounds. Through community presentations, seminars and evidenced-based psychotherapy, we support and empower you to achieve renewed health and wholeness.

In Hebrew, Sh’ma or Shema means “listen, heed or hear and do or obey” and affirms there’s one God.

Sh’ma was inspired out of the founder hearing and obeying the spiritual call to guide, support, and affirm individuals towards healing through therapeutic interventions.

Our practice supports all types of families and welcome clients regardless of age, race, religion, creed, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.


Remote Services

We have a heightened sense of responsibility for the welfare and well-being of our clientele, families and community that we serve. We are taking the pandemic, and the recommendations of the CDC very seriously. Therefore, client services may be offered via teletherapy (secured video) and/or In-Office. If teletherapy, all appointments will take place in the comfort of your home or your defined “secure” place. May we suggest ways to be prepared for your teletherapy session:

  • Schedule sessions during times of limited distractions/interruptions.

  • Private/comfortable space (bedroom, bathroom, closet, car). Your therapist will be in a private space too!

  • Laptop or desktop computer with a video camera and microphone works best. Smart phone or a tablet are difficult to stationary but are acceptable.

  • Consider password protection on your device to protect your privacy/confidentiality.

  • Use of earphones/earbuds helps to minimize noise and maintain privacy.

  • Be prepared to confirm you location and phone number at the beginning of each session (in case we get disconnected or a crisis or medical situation occurs).


Providing you with a safe space to relax.

When we’re not engaging through teletherapy, your appointments will take place in the comfort of our peaceful office environment with complimentary tea and water, and individualized care.


Meet Our Founder/Clinical Director

Krystal Brass, LCSW, CGRS

Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Grief Recovery Specialist


“Do you find yourself feeling misunderstood? Perhaps you're struggling with depression, emptiness, anxiety, conflict in relationship or lack of purpose. You may be adjusting to retirement, empty nest, or transitioning back into the community. Sometimes asking for help is difficult. I'm here to support you through your journey towards healing. Why? Because, "I Care".

Krystal's grief recovery journey started after experiencing a number of personal losses and hardships including but not limited to a strained relationship with a child, loss of a job, separation from an incarcerated sibling, and the loss of a family pet, Roscoe.  

"After the incarceration of one of my siblings, I can recall experiencing deep emotional pain and the desire to talk with others who could identify with my loss and validate my emotions. There were individuals who were not compassionate, understanding and seem to disconnect with my loss. In 2017, I felt the same way after the death of our family pet, Roscoe. In 2020, I experienced a loss that tried to crush me to my core, the devastating death of my beloved mother.

Do you find yourself defending your pain? Stop! Grief is a normal emotional reaction to a loss. Mourning is the outward expression/demonstration of the loss. Remember You Are Never Alone. What you are experiencing may be perfectly normal. Would you like someone to validate your grief, provide comfort and support? Do you want to learn how to validate your own grief? You’re Never Alone. I'm here to help you move forward through your grief recovery. Why? Because, I Care".

Portrait of elegant therapist wearing suit standing holding coffee cup and a folder and looking at camera.

Get started with Sh’ma Support Services today to see if we’re the right fit.